• Features
    • Synchronous Learning: Blade believes synchronous delivery is crucial to effective learning, especially with advanced topics. All Blade virtual courses feature live instructor-led training when class is in session. The e-learning platform we use facilitates interaction between instructor(s) and participants as well as among participants. Real time Q and A (both verbal and via chat), pop quizzes and quantitative problem solving (individually and in small teams) are included to enhance learning of immediately applicable skills.
    • Modular Instruction: Virtual learning research (and our own experience) suggests that 2-3 hours is the optimal duration of each class session. Consequently, we have re-engineered the course material into several 2-3 hour modules, each module with specific learning objectives, structured according to complexity. One or at most two modules will be presented on any given day. Each module session ends with an assignment, and each subsequent session begins with a review of last session’s assignment.
    • Blade Academy Course Website: The main “landing site” for participants is a dedicated website for each course. It is here that course materials, assignments and answer keys, software tools, references and other supplementary learning material will be available to participants. The website also features a threaded discussion board that enables asynchronous learning. Registered participants are given access to the website one week before the course commences, and it remains accessible for one week after the course ends.
    • One-on-One e-mail Discussions: Instructor(s) have a course email address where participants can send emails with questions or comments. These will be addressed as quickly as possible.
    • Guest Expert Lectures: Blade has a deep pool of multi-disciplinary experts, who will be invited to present specific topics in which they have expertise. Client company experts can also be invited to present client-specific topics. This feature, unavailable in conventional training, is an added benefit of online instruction.
    • Scheduling Flexibility: Online training frees up scheduling. Courses can be presented in a single week of calendar time, or can extend over multiple weeks.
    Contact cgalbraith@blade-energy.com or ogabaldon@blade-energy.com to learn more about our virtual courses, including availability, schedule, cost and registration, or to request a proposal to conduct a private online course.